Sunday, July 20, 2008

Children's Room Blog

Although I haven't looked up the latest on the demographics of Fort Lee, you can definitely see that activities for kids tend to be overshadowed by activities for senior citizens. We have jitney stops for seniors all over town, but the town doesn't pay for schoolbuses (parents have to pay privately.) The schools are well-organized and highly regarded, but the recreation program for kids centers on families with a stay-at-home parent, and the hours are not friendly for people who have to commit to daytime working hours.

Nevertheless, there are some real bright spots for kids, the best of which is the Fort Lee Public Library. The children's room is bright, clean, and friendly, with materials on display and helpful staff. The reading corner is very lounge-like, and there are tables for leafing through materials and a dollar section for discarded books (I recently picked up a barely-used copy of the popular young adult book, Holes, in that section.) They even have their own blog site: for events and recommended reading.

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